In the week behind us, at University of Cadiz (SEA-EU Alliance coordinator), the new SEA-EU 2.0 first Kick-Off meeting was held. Its implementation began mid-January this year. The meeting brought together over 90 participants, partners in the project European University of the Sea.
Meetings’ first day was dedicated to Alliance’s technical working groups and University of Split was represented by its SEA-EU office. Vice-rectors and heads of work packages, as well as SEA-EU Executive Committee representatives participated in the meetings, where University of Split was represented by Vice-rectors prof. Zoran Đogaš Ph.D. and prof. Igor Jerković Ph.D. SEA-EU students also had a meeting the same day, where University in Split was represented by Roko Glavinović and Vladimir Ercegović.
Meetings’ third day was dedicated to management, as rectors and presidents of SEA-EU universities had a working meeting. University of Split Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., participated in the Governing Board meeting, with support of the Vice-rector, prof. Zoran Đogaš Ph.D., student representative Roko Glavinović, head of Rector's Office, Ivana Pletković and Jelena Hrga, Head of Department for Finance and Accounting.
Last day was dedicated to meetings between SEA-EU ports, SEA-EU cities and SEA-EU Alliance’s Quality and Ethics Committee. SEA-EU Alliance’s Port Committee meeting was attended by Ivana Rajčić for Split Port, and SEA-EU cities’ meeting by Antonija Eremut Erceg, head of Service for developing City of Split and Ivan Andrijašević represented city of Makarska. The meeting of SEA-EU Alliance’s Committee for Quality and Ethics was led-run by prof. Mile Dželalija Ph.D. and Vice-rector prof. Igor Jerković Ph.D. and attended by prof. Ana Marušić Ph.D.
In the next four-year period of implementing joint SEA-EU development philosophy, University of Split will focus on creating the Inter-university student European campus, which will cultivate a healthy, sports and artistic approach to campus life, with an emphasis on digital and green transition of university campuses. Also, the project will continue to work on the Observatory for blue sustainable growth, to develop socially useful learning, ethical and quality frameworks for mutual cooperation, to work on automatic recognition of foreign qualifications and increasing mobility. Focus will also be on creating joint studies, developing lifelong learning and research potential, activities concerning the Observatory for Migration and Human Rights, and developing the Alliance’s unique legal identity.
More information about SEA-EU Alliance can be found at