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University of Split host of the second Croatian-French blue technology day

On October 30, the University of Split hosted the second Croatian-French blue technology day, organized by Republic of France’s Embassy in Croatia, Ruđer Bošković Institute, BioProCro Centre of Excellence, University of Split’s Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, and Faculty of Science.

On that occasion, welcoming speeches were given by H. E. Fabien Fieschi, Ambassador of the French Republic in the Republic of Croatia, David Matthew Smith Ph.D., director of Ruđer Bošković Institute, prof. Igor Jerković Ph.D., University of Split’s Vice rector for Science and Quality, prof. Mile Dželalija Ph.D., Faculty of Science’s dean, and prof. Matko Erceg Ph.D., Faculty of Chemical Technology’s dean.

French Ambassador, H. E. Mr. Fabien Fieschi expressed hope that this meeting will help in technologies and knowledge transfer, taking into account that France is one of leaders in biotechnology. When it comes to researching the sea and its resources, he sees great potential for cooperation between French and Croatian universities, research institutes and companies.

Main presentations on algae processing and algae in gastronomy were given by Pi Nyvall Collén, from Olmix Group, and Jean Paul Cadoret, from Algama, leading experts in their fields.

Sanja Babić Ph.D., from Ruđer Bošković Institute, spoke about bioactivity of Adriatic endemic macroalgae, while prof. Božidar Šantek Ph.D., University of Zagreb, explained diverse properties and untapped potential microalgae present.

Event’s highlight was round table "Blue Biotech in Croatia" moderated by Marin Roje Ph.D. from the Ruđer Bošković Institute, which also included Pi Nyvall Collén, Jean Paul Cadoret, prof. Božidar Šantek Ph.D., assoc. prof. Vida Šimat Ph.D., University of Split, and assoc. prof. Ivan Župan Ph.D., University of Zadar, who discussed the prospects and development of growing marine biotechnology sector in Croatia.