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SEA-EU’s Society Hub came up with a commendable initiative

Unusual friendship and cooperation was struck by Josipa Dadić, student of University of Split’s Department of Health Studies, and Klaudia Dragičević, alumna of University of Rijeka. SEA-EU Alliance helped them in the process.

Both of them applied for the online course Personal Development through Service-Learning, which took place within SEA-EU Alliance, as part of Society Hub. It is a course offered to all Alliance’s students, as well as more widely this semester, and carries 5 ECTS credits. It primarily teaches students how to act in order to achieve certain society goals, structured in certain activities. In this process, they are guided by mentors from SEA-EU Universities, and Josipa and Klaudija were specifically guided by Frauke Godat from University of Kiel.

Workshop users were children from the association "My child" from Solin, who did not hide their satisfaction for participating in the "4 eko kids" workshop. The project was successfully concluded with a day workshop at the source of the Jadro river, where children had fun and learned new useful information in a wonderful environment. For Josipa, this was a really interesting and exciting experience that she would recommend to everyone who is socially sensitive, but also willing to learn, to keep up with and look for ways of personal development while contributing to society.