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Published research monograph "Business Environment During And After Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges for Polish and Croatian SMEs"

In the framework of SEA-EU project "Strategic flexibility, digitalization and performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Poland and Croatia", University of Split in cooperation with SEA-EU partner University of Gdansk published the research monograph "Business Environment during and after Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges for Polish and Croatian SMEs". Book’s authors are collaborators on this international project: prof. Daniela Garbin Praničević Ph.D. and assoc. prof. Anita Talaja Ph.D. from University of Split’s Faculty of Economics, and assist. prof. Joanna Kuczewska Ph.D. and Aleksandra Borowicz Ph.D. from University of Gdansk’s Faculty of Economics. The book was reviewed by prof. Nikša Alfirević Ph.D., from Split Faculty of Economics, and prof. Arkadiusz Kowalski Ph.D. from SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

Although the analysis is limited to two post-transition countries, with different levels of development and socio-economic challenges, the book opens up topics that can be generalized and proposes generic solutions to SMEs’ crises.