Sveučilišna galerija smještena je u samom srcu Sveučilišnog kampusa, u zgradi Rektorata i  Sveučilišne knjižnice u Splitu te predstavlja impozantni izložbeni prostor na dvije etaže.

Galerija predstavlja mjesto otvorenog kulturnog sadržaja u kojima izlaže djela suvremene vizualne umjetnosti. Osim godišnjih programskih  izložbi, ovo je mjesto različitih događanja od promocija knjiga, znanstvenih skupova, predstava, koncerata, radionica, domaćih i međunarodnih susreta kao i press konferencija. Ciljevi Sveučilišne galerije usmjereni su ponajprije približavanju umjetnosti studenskoj populaciji, ali i obogaćivanju ovdašnje likovne scene kvalitetnim izložbama, programima i suradnjama te pružanju mogućnosti za afirmaciju mlađih umjetnika, a sve u svrhu našeg usmjerenja u ostvarivanju pedagoške, edukacijske i umjetničke  zadaće. Godišnji program Galerije pomno se izrađuje.  

Galerija surađuje sa umjetničkim organizacijama, ustanovama u kulturi, a dugogodišnja suradnja ostvarena je sa splitskom Galerijom Brešan koja u našem godišnjem programu nudi dvije  izložbe iz ciklusa “Svatko na svojoj strani” čime obogaćuje program izvrsnošću odabranih djela suvremene hrvatske umjetnosti ali i šire. Međunarodno Splitgraphic bijenale postao je nezaobilazni dio izložbene aktivnosti Galerije, a u naš prostor donosi različitost te nagrađivanu svjetsku suvremenu grafičku produkciju.

Pod stručnim vodstvom Galerija organizira i edukativne radionice, kao dar Sveučilišta u Splitu i njegovih sastavnica djeci, učenicima i studentima naše županije. U sklopu posjeta upoznajemo ih sa sadržajem unutar Sveučilišne knjižnice, kao i pisanom baštinom koju knjižnica čuva u svome arhivu.  

Članovi stručnog  vijeće za vizualnu umjetnost galerije su: red. prof. (T), Kažimir Hraste, izv. prof. Edvin Dragičević i Ana Radić Bizjak, dipl. restaurator/konzervator.


ERA_FABRIC: Analysis of regional knowledge and innovation ecosystems

We are pleased that ERA_FABRIC project consurtium is successfully undertaking two significant ERA_FABRIC mapping activities, which are marking a significant milestone in the pursuit of regional development and innovation. These initiatives will yield valuable insights into the landscape of quintuple helix stakeholders and innovation governance on national and regional level, setting the stage for transformative progress in sustainable manufacturing, bio-based circular economy, and clean renewable energy.

In the first mapping venture, an inventory is being conducted to identify and engage regional and local stakeholders hailing from academia, non-governmental organizations, industry, and government who will soon be gathered in thematic working groups. What we expect from these working groups is to shed light on existing regional partnerships, while addressing the challenges that arise in forging new alliances.

The second mapping activity is focused on the aspect of innovation governance. Research and innovation policies, strategies, and programs in 9 ERA_FABRIC regions are being collected in order to form a comprehensive overview. This comprehensive dataset will be instrumental in conducting a gap analysis, enabling the detection of shortcomings and the formulation of policy recommendations. By addressing these gaps, ERA_FABRIC aims to establish a strong foundation for research and innovation growth at both national and regional levels.

The first focus groups of the ERA_FABRIC project, with regional development stakeholders, have already been held in St Pölten (Lower Austria), Brno (South Moravia) and Split (Adriatic Croatia), while the rest of the meetings are planned until the end of this month. These working groups will serve as forums for exploring novel pathways to enhance collaboration and foster knowledge exchange within and beyond regions. Moreover, they will identify potential areas for joint research and innovation projects, while examining the barriers that impede the establishment of robust knowledge.

By implementing these activities, ERA_FABRIC aims to establish a strong foundation for the growth of research and innovation at the national and regional level and to strengthen the entire ERA innovation ecosystem by involving all stakeholders, mapping potential synergies and creating the basis for new joint collaborations. The activities will also serve as a platform to improve cooperation and encourage knowledge exchange within and outside the regions through the creation of additional research-innovation project partnerships through 3 thematic units: sustainable production, circular economy and clean and renewable energy.
