Znanost i tehnologija

U sklopu projekta University Green Digital HUB održan trodnevni program Train the Trainer

U Stuttgartu se okupio konzorcij partnera među kojima su Sveučilište u Splitu, Sveučilište u Malagi, Sveučilište Stuttgart Media, Impact Hub Stuttgart, Poduzetnički centar Split i Preneurz.Amsterdam s ciljem pokretanja projekta University Green Digital HUB.

Jedna od aktivnosti u sklopu projekta je trodnevni program Train the Trainer koji je osmišljen za obuku sveučilišnih djelatnika u područjima poduzetništva, digitalnih vještina, utjecaja i zelenih vještina, kako bi mogli učinkovito podučavati i osposobiti studente i osoblje u tim područjima.


A consortium of partners, including University of Split, University of Malaga, Stuttgart Media University, Impact Hub Stuttgart, Entrepreneurship Center Split, and Preneurz.Amsterdam, have come together to launch the University Green Digital HUB. The project has one main goal: to empower students, university startups and staff with the digital, green and entrepreneurial skills necessary for success in today's economy, and to contribute to a sustainable future.

One of the activities in this exciting initiative is a 3-day Train the Trainer program, taking place in Stuttgart, Germany. The program is designed to train university staff in the areas of entrepreneurship, digital skills, impact and green skills, so they can effectively teach and train students and staff in these areas. The program consists of a series of workshops and training sessions, led by experienced trainers and experts in the field of entrepreneurship, and digital and green innovation.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the latest trends and best practices in digital, green and entrepreneurship education, as well as gain hands-on experience through interactive exercises and group projects. The participants are trainers and teachers that will co-design and implement digital, green and entrepreneurship (DGE) courses in their universities in the future. The DGE Train to Trainer program is an important step in the University Green Digital HUB project's mission to support and advance digital and green innovation in higher education.

By equipping university staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to teach and mentor others in DGE, the project aims to create a sustainable and long-lasting impact on the digital and green transition of higher education institutions. The "University Green Digital HUB" project lasts 24 months, and is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ program, Key Activity 2: Partnerships for cooperation (for the field of higher education).

With the establishment of the international University Green Digital HUB, students, staff, and university startups will be given support for developing digital, green, and entrepreneurial skills. This project is a step towards a sustainable and green future and will help to create a workforce that is equipped with the skills necessary to drive the digital and green transition forward.