Znanost i tehnologija

Book "Evidence-based rheumatology rehabilitation models" by prof. Tonko Vlak Ph.D. presented at University Gallery

Tonko Vlak’s book "Rehabilitation models in rheumatology based on evidence" was presented at University Gallery. Gallery full of guests, including students and prof. emeriti, guests and friends, confirmed that prof. Vlak is special, above all a significant doctor from Split.

Prof. Ana Marušić Ph.D., professor of anatomy and research methodology at University of Split’s School of Medicine, said that her colleagues from physical medicine work very hard at creating new evidence, and that she believes that the book will have other editions. She said:

- It contains a wealth of knowledge to be studied and that we can use it to make best decisions in everyday practice. That is precisely the purpose of evidence-based medicine - prof. Marušić explained the importance of this textbook.

Assoc. prof. Mislav Radić Ph.D. said that it was an honor for him to review this extremely quality book. He congratulated prof. Vlak especially for combining everything he did every day when he came to his workplace and gave a scientific expression to it, so that each chapter has its own weight. He ended with a quote from the book’s cover: "A cunning man despises knowledge, ignorant one admires it, but clever uses!"

At the end, author himself, prof. Tonko Vlak Ph.D., addressed the audience, thanking everyone who came to the presentation:

- I want to say two things important to me, and that is that this book testifies to my orientation and great trust that I have had towards young people throughout my life. Future is for the young. Young people must be better than us and we cannot do without them. The second thing I find interesting, and has to do with this book, is that its price is zero .

He concluded:

- I started my work at School of Medicine in Split back in 1992 as assistant and progressed to title of full professor in a permanent position. I wouldn't have been able to achieve any of that if it weren't for School of Medicine. The School gave me everything and enabled me to have a social reputation as a professor, to be invited to various lectures, gatherings in Europe, etc. Therefore, my idea was to thank School of Medicine at the end of my career in such a way that all my knowledge and time invested in rehabilitation rheumatology in one book and to give it to School of Medicine. In such a way that everyone who is interested in this issue will benefit from it, and I will be proud and honored. It was the main reason it was made as non-profit project and that it costs nothing.

In the musical part, a flute quartet performed, made up of professors from Split Academy of Arts’ Music Department: Ana Domančić (flute), Evgenija Ephstein (violin), Vladimir Kossjanenko (viola) and Hillary Karuza (cello). Book’s promotion was organized by Helena Trze Jakelić, head of University Gallery.