Znanost i tehnologija

“12 minutes for three lives" presented at University of Split

You are our future, support and develop this society in the best possible ways, and one way is to help the sick – is the message to all University of Split students, sent from the press conference in which University of Split, City of Split’s Red Cross Society and Clinical Hospital Center Split’s Institute for Transfusion Medicine, presented the campaign "12 minutes for three lives" with the aim of bringing young people closer to and making them aware of importance of humane blood donation.

 - Donating blood is a noble gesture, a humane act, and this very concept includes three important facts - necessity, solidarity and altruism. Human blood has no alternative, and a large number of people from the region gravitate towards our hospital. The very idea of ​​solidarity is foundation of society, today we save others' lives, and tomorrow we may need it too - said prof. Nikola Koceić-Bilan Ph.D., University of Split’s Vice-rector for teaching, students and business, himself a blood donor.

The initiative "12 minutes for three lives" started during the summer, most critical time of blood shortages. In autumn and winter, we continue with it among pupils and students. We will set up booths at all Split faculties where you can get necessary information for donating blood - said Tomislav Gojo, director of Red Cross Split. He explained that, as in today's event, all those interested will be able to check whether they can donate by checking their blood pressure and hemoglobin level.

Promotional activities, like this one, will take place throughout the academic year at University of Split's components, and promotional booths will be set up where all those interested can check whether they can donate.