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Erasmus+ DesignCARE project results

The presentation of Erasmus+ DesignCARE project results took place on October 20 at School of Medicine’s Multiplier Event.

DesignCARE is University of Split’s project, financed by EU funds, which started on February 1, 2022, and ends on October 31, 2023. During two years of implementation, DesignCARE project trained students of vocational medical schools from two schools in two countries, Croatia and Romania, thus including them in participatory medicine. DesignCARE project’s main goal is to design, pilot, implement and evaluate curriculum and module for secondary and higher medical school students, which will help them get involved in participatory medicine by promoting development of communication skills and competencies.

With this project, we wanted to bridge the gap that we saw in schools’ programs. The project should give everyone equal and optimal care, so in this way we wanted to familiarize students with it more closely - said assoc. prof. Sandra Kostić Ph.D. from School of Medicine,  manager of DESIGNcare.

Pupils and students’ reactions are excellent, they believe that the knowledge and skills they "practiced" in this module’s lots of group work will help in better understanding future patients, also that they are better informed about current social needs, which also means more competitive on the labor market.

University of Split coordinates the project, with partners Fabula movens d.o.o., Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Københavns Universitet – University of Copenhagen, Colegiul Național "Mihai Eminescu" Petroșani in Romania and Pula Medical School.