University of Split and all its constituents strive to create a working environment that enables top academic achievements and professional development of its employees. We want to encourage academic excellence and build a pleasant, accepting and collegial atmosphere for everyone in our constituents.
University of Split strongly opposes to any form of discrimination, harassment, violence or retaliation among employees and students, as well as advocating to include everyone, regardless of their race, age, sex, religion, national or ethical affiliation, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, etc.
Differences are welcome and enrich our academic community.
We promote and advocate collaborative, caring and professional relationships, transparency, teamwork, honesty and respect, culture of academic dialogue, not doing harm, cooperation with the local community, sensitivity to those in need, environmental protection. That is why we want to prevent possible occurrences of discrimination, harassment, intrusive behavior or abuse.
At its Senate session, on April 30, 2021, University of Split adopted the Policy against Harassment and Discrimination (Politiku protiv diskriminacije i uznemiravanja) and the Protocol on Action and Protective Measures against Discrimination and Sexual Harassment (Protokol o postupanju i mjerama zaštite od diskriminacije, uznemiravanja i spolnog uznemiravanja).
Discrimination is any behavior that directly or indirectly puts an employee or student at a disadvantage, based on his/her race, ethnicity, skin color, sex, language, religion, political or other beliefs, national or social background, economic status, union membership, education, social status, marital or family status, age, health, disability, genetic inheritance, gender identity or sexual orientation.
Harassment is any unwanted behavior that aims to or succeeds in violating a person’s dignity, causing fear, hostility, humiliating or offensive environment for students or employees.
Sexual harassment is a special form of harassment manifested in any verbal, nonverbal or physical, unwanted sexually explicit conduct aimed at or actually violating a person's dignity, particularly if it creates a frightening, hostile, degrading or offensive environment for students or employees. It includes unwanted sexual behaviors that do not necessarily involve physical contact, but bring a person in an awkward, humiliating position, causing them to feel shame. In most cases, these behaviours occur over a long period, for which the victim cannot find a solution. Most common forms are unwanted sexual remarks and suggestions, inappropriate attention, physical touch, offensive and discriminatory jokes, spreading rumors etc.
Protecting employees’ dignity means protecting them from harassment and sexual harassment. Such behaviors include insults, threats, disparaging, intentionally withholding information necessary for work, avoiding communication with an employee, assigning meaningless, futile, disparaging and degrading tasks, or no work at all, ridiculing the victim, constantly criticizing employees’ work, etc.
Violence is any act, physical or otherwise, aimed at inflicting physical or mental suffering on another, or establishing control or power over them.
We are here to support you
If you have experienced discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment, you can contact the Commission for Protection against Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Harassment at each University constituent or file a complaint to your faculty or University department commission’s email.
You can find appointed Commission Members at individual faculties or departments and their contacts in the attached document.
This Commission is responsible for Rectorate’s employees as well as students and professors in the study programs under it:
Deputy member
assoc. prof. Zeljko Radic Ph.D.
full prof. Merica Slišković Ph.D.
assist. prof. Ana Jelicic Ph.D.
full prof. Tomislav Kilić Ph.D.
assist. prof. Sendi Kuret Ph.D.
full prof. Goran Kardum Ph.D.
Student representatives
Petra Kraljevic
Tomislav Milosevic
Contact (e-mail)
Useful links
Student Counseling Center at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Handbook on discrimination and mobbing in the workplace