MareMathics - Innovative Approach in Mathematical Education for Maritime Students

Project duration: from 31/12/2019 till 30/12/2021

Project Reference: 2019-1-HR01-KA203-061000

EU Grant: 224204 EUR

Academic project manager: Anita Gudelj, PhD, associate professor

Administrative coordinator: Aleksandra Banić, MEcon, Univ Spec Econ

Programme: Erasmus+, Key Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for higher education

The implementation of MareMathics project is coordinated by the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split, under the Erasmus+ charter of the beneficiary, University of Split.

MareMathics project will develop methods for learning mathematics for students of maritime study programmes, aiming at their improved acquiring of knowledge and results. Project envisages support for teachers of mathematics at maritime study programmes, in the form of innovative teaching methods, using contemporary IT and communication tools.

Besides the University of Split, partners of the project are following European institutions which implement maritime study programmes:

Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Maritime Academy, Estonia; Latvian Maritime Academy, Latvia; Polish Naval Academy, Poland and professor Toni Milun from Croatia.