Applicant/Project user: University of Split
Project partners: Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Short description of the project: Vision is to create the network of high level research groups in Croatia on topics within the Areas of Advance, essential for sustainable development and integration of the Mediterranean area by matching our scientific quality to international challenges where STIM can make a difference.
Mission is to integrate the triangle research, innovation, education by adding a new dimension. Areas of Advance address urgent issues as energy, environment and health and provide new interdisciplinary networks within Croatia and Mediterranean area including education programs. The innovation system will join all dimensions of Areas of Advance including academia, research institutes, industry and society, providing opportunity to put research results in effective use.
Objectives and expected results: The aim of the Center of excellence for science and technology integrating Mediterranean region (STIM) is to focus on research, innovation and education within three Areas of Advance based on excellence profiles and active fields:
I. Advanced technology at nanoscale will focus on renewable energy and nanotechnology for medical diagnostic by development of new materials for solar and fuel cells, and by design of novel nanostructured biosensing materials for medical diagnostics.
II. Water and environment will include protection of the quality and quantity of water and climate change impacts as well as blue biotechnology/marine bioresources for bioeconomy.
III. Education will follow new strategic framework for European cooperation in Education and Training (ET 2020), establishing programs for entrepreneurship in natural sciences and technology structured according to the Areas of Advance, including continuing education and ensuring its excellence.
Project Implementation Period: 01 August 2016 - 01 February 2020
Contact person for more information: Project Office and Technology Transfer University of Split, 021-566-331
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