We are pleased that you have chosen our University for your Erasmus Staff Mobility. It is a great way of establishing new contacts and strengthening our current cooperation.
Please consult ours Erasmus Data Sheet for general information on the Institution and list of contact persons / Erasmus coordinators at faculty/department levels.
Should you experience any troubles finding what you need, please contact erasmus@unist.hr
Once you have initiated contact with faculty/department of your choice and agreed on general details of your visit, please send the documents your home university requires to be signed.
Required documents involve Work Plan for Training Mobility.
For the purpose of proof that the mobility actually took place, you are required to have the Confirmation_of_arrival_departure signed and stamped by authorised person at the faculty/department of the University of Split at the end of your mobility.
If your home university uses different forms, be free to send us those, there is no need to duplicate forms.
Documents are to be sent for signature to the e-mail address of contact person at chosen faculty/department of the University of Split.
In case of any questions, please contact UNIST International Relations Office erasmus@unist.hr or incoming@unist.hr
University of Split welcomes guest lecturers or administration members from our Erasmus+ partner universities. The professional visits are very important for maintaining the vitality and quality of our educational standards.
Teaching and Staff exchanges are included in a range of our Erasmus+KA107 inter-institutional agreements.
Please check section Cooperation with Partner Countries - Erasmus+ Agreements to discover if an agreement with the University exists.
Minimum application requirements for the mobility at the University of Split:
1. Erasmus+ Application Form for Staff Mobility
2. CV Europass in English language
3. Copy of the first page of the applicant’s passport
4. Certificate of employment of the home institution
5. Staff Mobility Agreement forTeaching signed by home and host institution (University of Split) – scanned document is accepted
6. Erasmus+ Application Form - Special Needs
If the applicant is accepted, International Relations Office will send an Acceptance Letter and confirmed Staff Mobility Agreement to the applicant and to the student's Home University.
Documents for Erasmus+ Staff selected to spend their Erasmus+ exchange period at the University of Split:
- Certificate of Arrival/Departure
- Mobility Agreement for Staff
- Travel and Insurance Statement
- Staff Mobility Agreement for Training
- Statement of boarding passes lost
- Acknowledgement of scholarship payment
- Participants report