Professor Ladislav Vrsalović, Faculty of Chemistry and Technology, UNIST - mobility to University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering
Disemination ppt_prof. Vrsalovic
Sanja Mikačić Grubišić, International Relations Office UNIST - mobility to the University of Granada, International Office
University of Granada_PPT
Snježana Veršić, International Relations Office UNIST - mobility to the VIA University College Aarhus, Staff week
VIA University College Aarhus_PPT
Dr. Sarvar Gurbanov, School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA), ADA University - mobility to Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, UNIST
Report on University of Split Visit
Professor Angelica Baylon, Maritime Academy of Asia and the Paific, External Relations, DIRECTOR
Report on University of Split Visit