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Tanja Dragun from School of Medicine winner of first Falling Walls Lab in Split

Split’s Falling Walls competition got its first winner, Tanja Dragun from School of Medicine in Split, who presented on "Breaking the wall of prediabetes progression".

At Falling Walls Lab Split competition, on September 25 at Zlatna vrata Cinema, 9 students and young researchers from University of Split presented their ideas, in three-minutes each, and they were graded by expert jury consisting of: prof. Zoran Đogaš Ph.D., vice-rector for international and cooperation with the local community, prof. Igor Jerković Ph.D., vice-rector for science and quality, prof. Vlatka Škokić Ph.D., Faculty of Economics, University of Split, prof. Danica Ramljak Ph.D., World Bank’s senior adviser for education and science, prof. Vlasta Bonačić-Koutecký Ph.D., head of Centre of Excellence for Science and Technology.

Winning first place, Tanja Dragun earned a trip to Berlin for the final competition, as well as a cash prize of 1,500 euros from University of Split. Second place went to Krešimir Ruić (Faculty of Science and Mathematics) with "Breaking the wall of extreme sea level events", as well as a prize of 1000 euros, while third place and 500 euros went to Linda Lusic Kalcina (Faculty of Humanities and School of Medicine) with "Breaking the wall of sleepless brain in a tech-driven world".

In addition to the three first-place winners at this event, held for the first time in Croatia, at University of Split no less, other participants were:

Krešimir Dželalija (PMF) - "Breaking the wall of inefficient scheduling",

Leon Čatipović (PMF) - "Breaking the wall of gappy ocean color data",

Mia Dželalija (PMF) - "Breaking the wall of antibiotic resistance",

Ana Banovac (SOFZ) - "Breaking the wall of political polarization",

Nikolina Baumgartner (SOSM) - "Breaking the wall of bathing water pollution"

and Maja Rončević (FFST) - "Breaking the wall of discord through education".


Finals in Berlin will take place November 7 to 9, and we wish our representative best of luck!