The SEA-EU Alliance launches the new online platform "Observatory for Blue Economy"

The promotion of SEA-EU Alliance’s new platform "Observatory for Blue Economy" took place on November 9, 2022.

SEA-EU Observatory for Blue Sustainable Development is the result of the SEA-EU Alliance’s researchers and external stakeholders’ work, and its task is to facilitate regional dialogue and encourage cooperation between marine and maritime stakeholders in countries included in the Alliance and beyond. The observatory will work on raising awareness and attractiveness of jobs related to sea and maritime affairs. One of its primary missions is the transfer of knowledge from SEA-EU universities to the maritime sector.

Observatory’s vision is to:

• Provide links to relevant sources of information and data on environmental indicators (primarily sea) according to sustainable goals and principles of a sustainable blue economy

• Work on raising capacities (skills, knowledge and competence) of its members

• Serve as an exchange for research results, in order to encourage technology transfer from universities and professional institutions to economy

• Serve as a point of collection and debate on needs of target economic sectors

• Facilitate research and data sharing on blue jobs

• Encourage creation and starting new formal and informal education/training programs

• Initiate new collaborations and enable new projects

Ultimately, the Observatory's vision is to become a meeting place for stakeholders to exchange ideas and good practices.