Talk & Grow Workshop "Test Your Potentials"

The workshop organized by the Office for Career Management and CISOK, Center for Career Information and Counseling, "Test your potentials" will take place on October 14 at 12 o'clock in the Office for Student Standard and Sports, located at Zrinsko-Frankopanska 38.

Maja Frapporti-Roglić MSc, professor of psychology employed at CISOK, will be leading the workshop. She has been providing individual and group career counseling to students, the unemployed, primary and secondary school students and their parents on career choice, as well as employees considering career change, for many years. She holds workshops in career counselling, on self-assessment and social skills strategies important for success in the work place, etc.

The activity is intended for University of Split students or those graduated within the last year who are still unemployed.

Due to epidemiological measures and the fact that the lectures will be interactive, number of participants is limited and registration is required at