Prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D. re-elected for a second term as University of Split’s rector

Prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D. won his second term as University of Split’s rector. He was unopposed in the race for University of Split’s leading position, which speaks of the support he enjoys from his colleagues and university components. 33 Senate members took part in the election, 32 of whom voted in his favour and one ballot was invalid.

Rector Ljutić's new term begins October 1, 2022 and lasts until September 30, 2026.

Let's start from the beginning of Professor Ljutić's engagement in the role of University of Split’s rector.

The University keeps following global trends in education, but also comparative advantages of the local community and its needs. Precisely on the basis of careful analyzes, new study programs have been established: Hotel Management and Gastronomy, Mediterranean Agriculture, undergraduate study of Forensics, graduate study of Data Science and Engineering as well as Psychology in English.

The University of Split achieved top scientific results, for which it was awarded with entry into one thousand best universities in the world. The University is mostly focused on internationalizing study programs, aware that this is a comparative advantage in a highly competitive EU market, while the poor demographic situation in Croatia poses an unfavourable circumstance. Full membership in the network of European maritime universities is just one way to open up this University.

In addition to implementing certain stages of long-term strategic guidelines, the University begun to strengthen spatial and infrastructural needs of its constituents. So, ‘Brodomerkur’s building in Poljička Street was given to the Faculty of Humanities, and Rector’s Office moved into available space at the University Library. With this decision, the employees of both institutions were given a quality and extremely stimulating space for work and development. We have begun adapting space in Makarska for the study of Hotel Management and Gastronomy and secured lecture halls in Sinj for that of Mediterranean Agriculture. The University decided to solve the problem of existing, practically unacceptable condition of the Faculty of Kinesiology and Academy of Arts, by starting adapting the building in Teslina Street in Split's neighbourhood Spinut, so that its components would have a suitable working space.

Improving students’ standard is evident at every turn. The preparation of project documentation for the construction of a new student dormitory on Campus was initiated, reconstruction and upgrade of the Bruno Bušić dormitory was completed, as well as reconstruction and complete equipping of the business incubator, quality of food in university restaurants raised, concession for student radio, Radio Campus, secured and – despite the pandemic – student mobility increased.

In the past four years, the University settled past debts in the amount of HRK 83 million, increased its annual budget by 1/3 (from HRK 248 million to HRK 345 million) in order to ensure regular teacher advancement and new employment, and to reduce the negative professor/student ratio, which is a problem detected at almost all University components.

At today's session, in addition to summing up everything done so far, Rector Ljutić also presented his work program for the following four years. Students and their needs, together with making Split the most attractive student city in this part of Europe, will mark the time ahead of us.

The University will continue to encourage developing innovative programs, raise quality of teaching working in small groups, inclusion, and digitalization, encourage enrolment in STEM study programs, as well as motivate its best students. The goal is to attract those who excel in high schools, for whom Split should become the place where they get their academic education, as well as to return young people who decided to pursue undergraduate studies elsewhere to pursue graduate studies here. All of this, in order to help reduce the city and the region’s depopulation, also to contribute to the regional community’s progressive character. Strengthening the Career Management Office and its cooperation with the Employment Service is just one step in taking care of our alumni.

The Rector also sees the University’s future in respecting its tradition, on which scientific research and artistic excellence must be built on. That is because the mind of a nation, its academic elite, must serve the development of its environment. Socially responsible behaviour, management and transparency in business are fundamental.

The Split academic community has embraced as its ultimate direction city of Split in the Mediterranean and Mediterranean in Europe, through Split and its University, connecting with international research and higher education institutions, as well as contributing to strengthening European Community’s quality of life.

Finally, we must note that prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., already showed significant results as University of Split’s rector. One that is sometimes hard to quantify, but can be felt, is the community he has created. Never before have the constituents felt such support from the University, nor felt the need for cooperation. Every day, the University is becoming more compact and united on all fronts. That is why we should not fear for University of Split, its facing future challenges and achieving the excellence we strive for.

Photo: Zoran Alajbeg