Prime Minister of Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, on September 28, 2023, in University Gallery, officially opened the exhibition of artworks created in the "St. Jerome" art colony, which was part of celebrating the 30th anniversary of founding the Split-Dalmatia County, co-organized by University of Split.
Prime Minister Plenković congratulated for the noble initiative to launch such a project, an art colony and its exhibition, celebrating Split-Dalmatia County’s 30th anniversary.
- We are proud that we from Dalmatia have Saint Jerome to be proud of, as he and his colleagues translated the Bible in the 4th century, but also Herman the Dalmatian, who translated the Koran in 12th. In this way, we also inherit big, true steps forward that present civilizational contribution to all humanity. So this artistic inspiration refreshes that awareness of our culture and heritage. University of Split, through intensive work by its Gallery, gives a fine touch to Mediterranean, Adriatic culture of Croatia, centered in Split, where both scientists and artists are important stakeholders - Prime Minister Plenković said opening the exhibition.
Prefect of Split-Dalmatia County, Blaženko Boban, remembered the incentive for this exhibition:
- It will be remembered not only in the history of our County, but also Croatia, in honor of St. Jerome, not only a saint and theologian, but also a scientist and writer who the entire world celebrates - Prefect Boban said.
University of Split’s Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., hosting this ceremony, expressed his belief that this exhibition presents a benefit because there is no progress without knowledge there is no soul without artists and art.
- This makes us special, we have this Gallery and we are proud of it. Presented artworks are unique. St. Jerome presents not only art and culture of a nation, but also, in today's jargon, creativity that goes back centuries - Rector Ljutić asserted.
Opening of the exhibition was also attended by Branko Bačić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Spatial Planning, Construction and State Property, Nina Obuljen-Koržinek, Minister of Culture and Media, Zvonimir Frka-Petešić, Head of Prime Minister's Office, University of Split’s Vice-rectors prof. Boris Maleš Ph.D., prof. Bosiljka Britvić Vetma Ph.D., prof. Igor Jerković Ph.D., prof. Nikša Jajac Ph.D., prof. Zoran Đogaš Ph.D., prof. Nikola Koceić-Bilan Ph.D., Split-Dalmatia County’s Deputy Prefect, Stipe Čogelja, Head of County’s Administrative Department for Education, Culture, Technical Culture and Sports, Tomislav Đonlić, Head of the Prefect's Cabinet, Davor Pavić, County Assembly’s President, Mate Šimundić, Pastor of St. Cross, Don Mihael Prović, Pastoral Vicar of Split-Makarska Archdiocese, Nediljko Ante Ančić, Split City Council President, prof. Željko Domazet Ph.D., heads of University of Split’s components, members of Senate, University of Split and Split-Dalmatia County’s teachers, students, and employees, as well as representatives of cooperating, scientific, cultural and other institutions. Helena Trze Jakelić, Head of University Gallery, led the program.