NPOO’s "Establishment of media fact-checking and public data publication system" formally presented at University of Split

University of Split, in cooperation with the Agency for Electronic Media, on February 13, hosted the presentation "Establishment of media fact-checking and public data publication system", implemented as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, and led by Ministry of Culture and Media and the Agency for electronic media.

HRK 45 million, or EUR 5,972,526 in grants, was secured for implementing the establishment of information accuracy checks. This measure’s general goal is to strengthen society's resistance to misinformation, by reducing amount of misinformation in the public sphere, strengthening information reliability and safety when consuming media content or using social networks, strengthening quality of journalism, reliable reporting, and strengthening media literacy.

A public call for co-financing projects as part of establishing a system for checking information accuracy was published at the end of 2022, and project holders can be scientific or educational institutions, as well as civil society organizations, while media can be partners in the project. Minimum amount of support per project will be HRK 750,000, and the maximum 1.5 million. At the same time, technological and computer programs will be developed to help with information accuracy.