KTF alumni association’s lecture "Where do we go after Faculty of Chemistry and Technology?"

A lecture organized by the Faculty of Chemistry and Technology in Split’s Association of Former Students and Friends of the Faculty, entitled "Where do we go after the Faculty?" was held by two of our former students - Zvonimir Jukić, mag. chem. and Blanka Rakuljić, mag. chem.

Former KTF students told stories about their career paths, that are rather different from the usual opinion that chemical engineers and technicians can only work in laboratories or industry plants, and revealed what opportunities are open to students with various interdisciplinary approaches.

Zvonimir is employed as project associate at the Faculty of Economics, where he in Student Business Incubator participates in preparing and implementing projects from various programs, as well as in organizing many educational programs for young people.

Blanka is working for Petrol as technical advisor in sales, regarding chemicals - widely applicable polymers, solvents, kinds of paraffin and paraffin oils, and is in charge of contracting and maintaining relations with clients from the industry.


Photo: Zoran Alajbeg