International Summer School "Equality and Diversity in European Legal Education" took place at University of Split’s Faculty of Law

For the fourth time, University of Split’s Faculty of Law hosted the international summer school, this year organized as part of the project "ED4ELE - Equality and Diversity in European Legal Education", and fully funded by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD and Germany’s Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Also involved in organizing the Summer School were the Europe Institute of Saarland University, Southeast Europe Network of Law Faculties - SEELS, and law faculties from Ljubljana and Split.

University of Split Faculty of Law’s prof. Petar Bacic Ph.D. was the organizer. All lectures, as well as practical classes, were held in English. During the International Summer School, Faculty of Law hosted twenty-one students from abroad, and four students from Split participated. Lecturers from Germany, Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Croatia spoke about the summer school’s main theme, the right to equality and diversity in the European higher education system, with special reference to the underrepresented and vulnerable groups of students.


Source: Faculty of Law, University of Split