Guide for students with disabilities available for eight universities

The Guide for Students with Disabilities was presented, the result of Croatian Student Union, University of Split’s Student Union and Liberato Association’s joint initiative, with support of Coordination of the Ombudswoman for Persons with Disabilitie, intended for support in higher education.

Guide for Students with Disabilities is a brochure providing support and information aimed at needs of students with disabilities. Its purpose is to support persons with disabilities in their (specific) needs and ensure their access to relevant information. Through practical advice, explanations of rights and services, as well as strategies for overcoming challenges, this guide will make easier students with disabilities’ successful integration into university environment.

After the successful Student Guide’s first version, which covered only University of Split, now it is available for seven Croatian universities and University of Mostar.

Stipo Margić, Liberato association’s president, announced that the Guide will soon also include other Croatian universities, and in addition to digital version, eight universities published the printed guide.

University of Split’s Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D. and Vice-rector for students, teaching and business, prof. Nikola Koceić-Bilan Ph.D., supported this commendable project.

University of Split’s Student Union provided unreserved support to Liberato Association’s initiative in creating the Guide, and its president, Jerko Šarić, stated that this kind of project is unique in Croatia, because until now, all information were not available in one place.