Exhibition of photographs by Greta Vuković at the University Gallery "Vasko Lipovac"

The exhibition of photographs by Greta Vuković will open on Thursday, May 20 at 7:30 pm at the University Gallery "Vasko Lipovac", R. Boškovića 31.
It is a series of photographs entitled "Female Dandy Fashion Editorial" representing three fashion "editorials" inspired by Dandy style, taken in Split. Dandyism denotes men who pay extra attention to their appearance, also to their very presence, manifested in the way and style of dress. It first appeared in England in the 18th century and the first known dandy was George Bryan ‘Beau’ Brummel. When it emerged and peaked in popularity, dandyism was a symbol of masculinity. With this exhibition, the author questions gender roles because clothes are undoubtedly part of one’s identity, adopting gender roles and a way of dressing. The social environment expects norms to be respected and, although this pressure is much lower today, it is interesting to see whether a woman’s perception changes when she uses a typically masculine style, what dandyism was in its beginning, and how so. Also, the modern woman has an attitude; she is no longer (just) obedient housewife tied to her home. The author tries to capture this attitude in her photographs, and with it direct the observer to the question whether a woman gains or loses her femininity and strength because of it.

Greta Vuković is a fifth year student at the Arts Academy in Split - Department of Visual Communication Design. After the exhibition “Personal” (Fotoklub Split, 2019), this is her second solo exhibition and she also exhibited in several group ones (“Biennale”, Novi Sad, 2019, “Best of UMAS”, Split, 2020). Exhibited works were created during her graduate studies in the course "Film Photography" under mentorships of Mirko Pivčević and Vice Vidan.

The text announcing the exhibition is by art history student Ivana Kasalo.
The exhibition will remain open until June 3, 2021.

Visitors are kindly requested to adhere to all measures and recommendations made by the Croatian Civil Headquarters regarding the current pandemic.