Clinical Skills Centre opened at School of Medicine

The Centre for Clinical Skills was officially opened at School of Medicine on Wednesday, February 15, and the opening was attended by University of Split Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., Vice-rector prof. Zoran Đogaš Ph.D., School of Medicine’s Dean, prof. Ante Tonkić, Ph.D., director of the Split Clinical Hospital Centre, prof. Julije Meštrović Ph.D., vice deans prof. Katarina Vukojević Ph.D. and prof. Renata Pecotić Ph.D., vice deans prof. Darko Modun Ph.D. and assoc. prof. Ivan Galić Ph.D., Department of Anatomy’s head, prof. Ivica Grković Ph.D., assoc. prof. Daniela Marasović Krstulović Ph.D., president of the MEFST student body, Vladimir Ercegović, and students of Medicine in English.

In the newly renovated Centre for the study of Dental Medicine, dental phantoms and, for the study of Medicine, simulation mannequins for basic and advanced resuscitation were acquired. The equipment was procured as part of two European projects: "Development, improvement and implementation of training at Split School of Medicine", led by Dean Prof. Ante Tonkić Ph.D., and "Improvement of existing integrated undergraduate and graduate study program in Medicine", by assoc. prof. Joško Božić Ph.D., financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), from the Operational Program "Effective Human Resources 2014 - 2020", UP. and UP.

- With this big step forward, we are improving quality of the clinical part of training and enabling students to become more independent and confident in their work. Modern equipment and renovated space provide a high standard for ensuring quality of clinical skills, necessary for students educated in the European Higher Education Area - said Dean Tonkić, thanking Rector Ljutić and the University for their support in opening this important Centre for School of Medicine.

- As a student, I am aware of this project’s magnitude, because we will finally be able to work on the latest models, practice our clinical skills, in a space closer to School of Medicine’s central part, and we will also have new changing rooms closer to Križine Hospital - president of the MEFST student union, Vladimir Ercegović, told us.