Awards ceremony for students who participated in this year's competition developed in cooperation with the company Viator took place on June 1, at Faculty of Economics in Split.
Tthis competition’s main idea is that students, by solving concrete business cases in marketing, get the opportunity to apply knowledge acquired during their studies in solving challenges and making proposals that would improve operations of a business entity from the real sector.
Assoc. prof. Vinko Muštra Ph.D., Faculty of Economics’ dean, emphasized the importance of such competitions, pointing out that in this way students get to gain valuable experience that will help them once they graduate and find themselves in the labour market.
Damir Didić, procurement and quality director at Viator, pointed out that they were impressed by student proposals they received and that they would surely implement some of them in their business. He also said that the successful cooperation with Faculty of Economics would continue, also announcing some new projects.
Awards in the category of creating integral marketing communication plan:
1st place and cash prize of €1,250 was won by Ante Mlikota, Pamela Pinjuh, Doris Stanković and Andrea Vučica
2nd place and prize of €900 by Ana Barišić, Ivona Klepo, Luka Mladinić and Lorena Škarica
3rd place and prize in the amount of €600 by Luka Morović, Ivan Martić and Josip Varnica
In the category of activating social networks, second place and €900 was won by the team "Little Digitals": Nina Vidović, Ivana Žarković and Ante Kujunđić Lujan, while also second prize and €900 in the category of digitalizing consumer experience with a brand was won by "Team Future", composed of: Iva Vuletić, Anđela Blažević, Marta Pulić and Karmela Višić.