Application for the Talk & Grow cycle workshop „Relaxation techniques“

As part of the Talk & Grow cycle, in cooperation with the Student Counselling Centre, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, a workshop entitled "Relaxation Techniques" will be held on Wednesday, October 21 at 2 pm on the premises of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Lecture Room P8, Poljička 35. The activity is intended for students and employees of the University of Split. Due to epidemiological measures and the fact that the lecture will be interactive, the number of participants is limited and registration required at 

Head of the University of Split’s Career Management Office, Antonia Peroš M.Sc. will be leading the workshop. In this workplace, she has been advising students for years, organizing and leading workshops on career management, communication skills, stress management and promoting mental health, etc. 
Increased levels of stress caused by constantly worrying about problems can affect both the body and psychological state in a negative way. In addition to the usual challenges of student life, uncertainty and circumstances related to the Corona pandemic do not leave many people indifferent, raising stress levels. Unfortunately, most of the time we cannot remove sources of stress, but we can change the way we deal with it. Research has shown that just a few minutes of rest and relaxation, during the workday, significantly reduce fatigue and keep stress under control. Having that in mind, we designed a workshop that will take you through some of the most famous relaxation techniques, which you will easily master and be able to apply later in life.