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Research groups’ networking and registration of research equipment on the online platform Research Potential Database

In the SEA-EU 2.0 project, we continue with networking of research groups, as well as recording research equipment on the online platform Research Potential Database, developed as part of the implementation of the SEA-EU project’s first phase.

With a base of more than 390 registered research groups and more than 120 infrastructure units, which is constantly updated, Research Potential Database platform is an indispensable tool for finding research collaborators and submitting joint projects.

Be sure to register, until September 30, yourself, research group and/or infrastructure unit and become part of this unique platform.

All you need to do is create a user profile on the link in the top left corner of the home page

After your profile is approved, you will access the interface where you can enter information about research group leaders, contacts, photos, publications and other necessary information (Add Research Group).

The same procedure is required for registration of research infrastructure units (Add Shared infrastructure element).

For any additional questions, we invite you to contact University of Split’s SEA-EU office (