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Grand opening of the 10th young researchers’ meeting "Common Foundations"

The tenth young researchers in the field of civil engineering’s meeting and related technical fields, entitled Common Foundations 2023 – uniSTem, was officially opened on September 15, 2023 at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy (FGAG).

The meeting brought together 50 young researchers, 25 of whom will give presentations. Its opening was attended by University of Split’s rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., FGAG’s dean, assoc. prof. Neno Torić Ph.D., Deputy Prefect of Split-Dalmatia County’s head, Stipe Čogelja, Director of Croatian Science Foundation, prof. Ozren Polašek Ph.D., deans of other civil engineering faculties in Croatia and Mostar, as well as representatives of Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers, representatives of cooperating companies, invited lecturers and other distinguished guests.

Meeting’s goal is to encourage cooperation of young researchers both in scientific - research work and professional activity, as well as in other aspects of their professional life.

It is important because it connects all young scientists from the field of civil engineering in Croatia. The idea of starting this meeting 10 years ago originated in Split, where the first Common Foundations took place, and since then it has been alternating at branches of the Association of Croatian Civil Engineering Faculties (Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek and Mostar). In previous meetings, over 250 young researchers (doctoral students and post-docs) presented their work and area of research - Dean Torić said.

It is a great pleasure to have young people from all over Croatia come to our University and present their findings and research, particularly when it comes to technical sciences - Rector Ljutić said, inviting, as chairman of SEA-EU Alliance, young scientists to take advantage of all opportunities to connect and conduct joint research with colleagues at prestigious universities part of this Alliance.