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SEA-EU Master Research Internships

Are you a Master student of any of the SEA-EU universities?

Are you searching for opportunities in a research lab/team for your internship?

Are you interested in one of the research topics proposed below?

More than 100 opportunities currently available for the academic year 2023-24 within SEA-EU. 


Join SEA-EU research teams!

Internships constitute a key learning moment  for you, as Master students, between studies and professional life, where curiosity, critical thinking and transversality are sharpened. In order to facilitate international mobility  between SEA-EU universities, we’ve been identyfing topics in all disciplines with motivated researchers willing to welcome Master Interns in their lab for a Master Research project in 2023-24. 

Please get in touch directly with researchers sending them your CV, a letter of motivation and an academic transcript.

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