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"Memories and Contributions to Republic of Croatia’s History of Diplomacy - The First Decade" presented at University Gallery

Presentation of the edition "Memories and Contributions to Republic of Croatia’s History of Diplomacy - First Decade", with a special review of the final " Sixth Book" took place on October 11, at the University Gallery, after a reception at Rector's Office, where Croatian Diplomatic Club’s president, prof. emeritus Emilio Marin, and other members were welcomed by prof. Zoran Đogaš Ph.D., Vice-rector for international and cooperation with the local community, Ivana Pletković, head of Rector's Office, and Helena Trze Takelić, head of University Gallery.

Along with President Marin, the delegation consisted of General Consul Mišo Munivrana Ph.D., secretary, consul general prof. Zvonimir Marić Ph.D., member of Governing Council, and editor of the Croatian Diplomatic Club’s Gazette, Ambassador Milada Privora, member of Governing Council, and Jelena Perleta, associate member of the Croatian Diplomatic Club, assistant editor of its Gazette.

In the presentation, Vice-rector Đogaš, welcoming everyone on behalf of University and its Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., pointed out that this event is a great opportunity to highlight internationalization processes at the University, bearing in mind that in European Union’s higher education area, cooperation is encouraged within university alliances.

Prof. Marko Trogrlić Ph.D., from Split Faculty of Humanities’ History Department, referred to historical diplomatic ties and contacts of Croatian rulers from medieval times to diplomatic relations in recent history, highlighting historical importance of Dubrovnik Republic for Croatian diplomacy.

Professor Emilio Marin, Croatian Diplomatic Club’s president, expressed his satisfaction that the first presentation outside Zagreb of this series of six books is being held at University of Split.

- The inclusion of the scientific community, especially that its part which deals with contemporary history, is valuable, because we are dealing with materials that will certainly be interesting for future research - prof. Marin asserted.