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Let´s fall walls (with science)!

University of Split invites you to join this unique global hub that connects science, business and society.Deadline - 20 September 2023


About the Foundation

Falling Walls is a not-for-profit organisation based in Berlin that shapes the future of humanity by impact-oriented ideas and discoveries, driven by shared dedication for creating breakthroughs across borders and disciplines since 1989.

We create initiatives, innovative real-world spaces and novel digital platforms for future-paving scientific ideas worldwide by utilising a carefully curated blend of sharing information and experiences. We inspire by tapping the wonder and awe inherent in science and by building bridges between those who dedicate their lives to world-changing tasks. We facilitate discourse and cooperation among the global avant-garde of researchers, decision-makers, thinkers, artists, and emerging talents. We believe in the value of dialogue beyond borders, building alliances for a more open, peaceful and sustainable world to live in. Therefore, we enable scientists to share their knowledge with an audience as wide as possible, generating socially and geographically inclusive thinking and impact…“ (


How to apply?

The 2023 international Lab season has officially begun!

Students and early-career professionals of all disciplines are invited to apply to international Falling Walls Labs with their innovative ideas and solutions for worldwide problems.

To apply, simply browse through the open calls on the link below, select the Split Lab and fill out the application form.

Falling Walls; 

We look forward to receiving your application and save the date - Berlin, from 7–9 November!

More information in the days to come…