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Glossary of Forensics and Criminalistics promoted

Promotion of the Glossary of Forensics and Criminalistics, published by Croatian Language Institute, took place as part of the conference Security of Historic Cities - Partnership for Safer Everyday Life, in Solin, October 26-27.

This glossary was created as a result of the project Forensic-Criminal Nomenclature, led by assoc. prof. Željana Bašić Ph.D. from University Department of Forensic Sciences, and financed by Croatian Science Foundation.

The book was presented by representatives of Croatian Language Institute, Željko Jozić Ph.D., Director, Bruno Nahod Ph.D., and assoc. prof. Ivan Jerković Ph.D. from University Department of Forensic Sciences. In addition to project collaborators and glossary’s authors, the presentation was also attended by conference participants, as well as numerous representatives of homeland security components, representatives of academic community, public and state services, the economy, and Forensic science students who participated in preparing for the conference.