Round table "Students with disabilities in higher education"

On the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Student Association Liberato and University of Split organized a round table "Students with Disabilities in Higher Education".

On behalf of the University of Split, its vice-rector prof. Goran Kardum Ph.D. opened the discussion, emphasizing that University of Split pays great attention to including persons with disabilities in higher education processes and expressing satisfaction that colleagues from different University components attended this meeting.

Stipo Margić spoke about his experiences, as someone with disability studying at University of Split, saying that accessibility was one of important criteria when he was choosing what to study.

- I completed undergraduate professional study of Computer Science, at the University Department of Professional Studies, as one of best students, and I won the Rector's Award. In the association Liberato, creating interactive maps on accessibility of locations for persons with disabilities, we want to increase the number of such persons in everyday activities - Stipo Margić shared his experience.

Ivan Bogdanović talked on "Studying as a person with disability before and now", recalling that he was an activist when he was as a student and organized conferences "We also go to universities", because you can change the system only starting from yourself.

- There are about 45-50 students with disabilities at the University of Split and their number remains stable. This includes students who, because of their condition, require some adjustments in the teaching process. Our students are active in many areas, support from the University is very important, and we have it, because without it we would not be able to participate in many extracurricular activities - said Ivan Bogdanović.

Tomislav Milošević, Student Union President, emphasized that the Union as students’ representative body participates in encouraging students with disabilities to take part in various projects implemented by the University, Student Union and other associations, such as Liberato.

Second part of the round table focused on "How experts see disabilities" with participation of Maja Karaman Grbavac, advisor to the ombudsperson for persons with disabilities, sociologist Doris Žuro on social aspects of including persons with disabilities, and Toni Maglica Ph.D., from Faculty of Humanities, presented his experiences working with them.