Symposium "What to do after graduating from university: Competency-Based Career Planning and Management"

In 2021, the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE) will continue to organize educational activities for university staff and students within the SKAZVO project (Improvement of quality assurance and enhancement systems in higher education), funded by the European Union’s Social Fund. These activities aim to develop teacher competencies, strengthen higher education institutions management skills, encourage internationalization and support further development of student services, such as career centres and those offering psychological assistance. Plan of Agency’s workshops for 2021 attached to this notice.

First in a series of events within “Careering 2021” cycle is the symposium "What to do after graduating from university: Planning and managing a career based on competencies" organized by ASHE and prof. Andreja Bubić Ph.D. from the Student Counselling Centre at the Faculty of Philosophy in Split.

The symposium will be held on January 28, 2021 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. via the Zoom platform.

We kindly ask you to register for participation by 10 am January 27 at the link:

All registered participants will get a Zoom link to be able to join the meeting the day before the Symposium.

Program of the virtual event attached below.

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