Student Entrepreneurship Incubator’s series of workshops on "Using digital media in communication"

Entrepreneurship Center Split together with the Faculty of Economics’ Student Entrepreneurship Incubator, as part of the project "Student Digital HUB", prepared a set of workshops and trainings for students and youth.

June’s topic is "Communication and presentation skills". The digital age brought major changes in the areas of communication, education and business. Traditional media have so far provided information via TV, radio, newspapers and magazines, implying exclusively one-way communication without the possibility of reacting. Although traditional media are more represented than the new, with the development of the Internet and the emerging social networks, they are facing new user expectations, such as speed of reporting, wealth of information and multimedia characteristics such as audio and video clips, links and interactivity.

Ana Klancir will introduce you to the world of using digital media in communication. Media are important in business communication because they enable effective resolution to many aspects of social relations. With their simplicity, accessibility and speed, they help in everyday communication between business actors. The workshops cover media influences in business communication, within organization, the communication process, types of communication and digital media theory.

Workshops take place on four dates: June 1, 7, 10 and 14, starting at 10 am.

All trainings will be online, via Zoom.

All participants who undergo training in a specific area will receive a certificate of participation, in the form of a digitally signed credential, according to the EU Action Plan for Digital Education (2021-2027).

Applications for these workshops can be found on Student Entrepreneurship Incubator's social networks.

The project "Student Digital HUB" is co-financed by the EU’s European Solidarity Corps and will be implemented throughout 2021.