Series of workshops "Grow your skills" in the fields of entrepreneurship and technology

Entrepreneurship Center Split and Student Entrepreneurship Incubator of the Faculty of Economics in Split are organizing a series of workshops entitled "Grow Your Skills". The City of Split co-financed the project. The series is aimed at University of Split students, regardless of their education, and thematically covers areas of entrepreneurship and technology. Given the dynamics and constant changes in trends, this series aims to cover areas in entrepreneurship and the world of work necessary for successful business and employment, in both services and production. The goals of the project are acquiring new skills and competencies in fields of technology, entrepreneurship and personal development, encouraging students and young people to be innovate, interdisciplinary and competitive in the labor market, as well as encouraging entrepreneurial activities among them.

Workshops in this series include the following topics:
1) Project management
2) Digital Marketing - Google AdWords
3) Wordpress and internet tools
4) Scrum
5) Graphic design and 3D modeling
6) Computer literacy
7) How to write a good resume and job application
8) Communication and presentation skills

Given the current epidemiological measures, all workshops will be online, via Zoom and MS Teams platforms. A detailed schedule of workshops is available on the Student Entrepreneurship Incubator website:, where you can also find application forms for the workshops.

Contact: Zvonimir Jukić
+385 (0) 97 6543 414