Round table "Business fraud - trends in the Republic of Croatia" took place at the University Department of Forensic Sciences

The round table "Business fraud - trends in the Republic of Croatia" was organized December 14, 2021 at the University of Split, University Department of Forensic Sciences. Participants were prof. Ivica Filipović Ph.D., University Department of Forensic Sciences, assoc. prof. Damir Piplica Ph.D., University Department of Forensic Sciences, Ivan Kovačević, President of ACFE Croatia and partner at Indago, and Matija Jurin, Senior Business Development Manager at Comping. Assoc. prof. Marijana Bartulović Ph.D. moderated the round table.

Participants presented and discussed preliminary research results on business frauds conducted for the first time in Croatia by the Association of Certified Fraud Investigators (ACFE) Croatia. Aim of the research was to determine which forms of business fraud are prevalent in the Republic of Croatia, what methods and schemes perpetrators apply, which are common warning signs in their behaviour and what organizations are most frequent victims of fraud.

On this occasion, letters of thanks were awarded to members of the expert working group for developing the qualification standard for "Master degree in Financial Accounting Forensics", which entered the Croatian Qualifications Framework in February 2021.