Minister Nataša Tramišak and CFCA Director Tomislav Petric visited the University of Split

The Minister of Regional Development and European Union Funds, Nataša Tramišak, and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency (CFCA) Director, Tomislav Petric, visited the University of Split on Thursday, February 4th. On that occasion, they met with Prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., University of Split Rector, Filip Klarić-Kukuz, Secretary General, Ivana Pletković, Head of the Rector's Office and Marijan Bašić, Coordinator of Infrastructure Projects at the University.

They discussed investments in the University of Split Campus infrastructure, using the financing from EU funds. Specifically, they mentioned the construction of a new student dormitory for which the main project is being prepared. The new dormitory should have about 600 beds, which will be an increase of almost 50 percent compared to current capacities of student accommodation in the Student Center (SC). To meet all students’ needs, there are also plans to build a restaurant, as well as other facilities that students need for their quality study free time.