Minister Beroš attended the University Department of Health Studies Expert Council’s formal session celebrating the 10th anniversary of founding the Department

The University Department of Health Studies, on Wednesday, May 12, celebrated its 10th anniversary with a formal session of the Department’s Expert Council. The jubilee celebration of this University of Split’s important component was attended by the Minister of Health prof. Vili Beroš Ph.D., University of Split Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., Tomislav Đonlić on behalf of the Split-Dalmatia County, Magda Vrvilo on behalf of the City of Split, assist. prof. Slavica Dajak Ph.D. on behalf of the Clinical Hospital Center Split, School of Medicine’s Dean prof. Ante Tonkić Ph.D., together with the vice-dean prof. Katarina Vukojević Ph.D., University’s Secretary General Filip Klarić-Kukuz, Head of the Rector's Office Ivana Pletković. Split-Dalmatia County’s Department of Emergency Medicine’s Director Leo Luetić, Director of the Split School of Health Sanja Perić and University Department students’ representatives, alongside the event’s hosts Stipan Janković Ph.D., his Deputy, assoc. prof. Ante Obad Ph.D., and assistants prof. Irena Drmić Hoffman Ph.D., prof. Davorka Sutlović Ph.D., Vjekoslav Krželj Ph.D. and Ljubica Žunić were also there.

Minister Beroš, Rector Ljutić and Department heads Đonlić and Vrvilo expressed sincere congratulations and best wishes to the Department of Health Studies in their welcome speeches.
Minister Beroš also congratulated those who were present on the International Day of Nursing, emphasizing the importance of joint work, that of doctors and health professionals, having in mind current circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In his work report, Department’s Head Janković touched upon numerous challenges and successes that accompanied the Department since it was established until today, announcing the important step forward this higher education institution will have in establishing the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Celebration of the Faculty’s Day was an opportunity to reward deserving institutions and individuals.
The Clinical Hospital Center Split was awarded a plaque as the University Department of Health Studies’ main university-industry cooperation, for a successful long-term cooperation in educating and employing healthcare workers and the University of Split’s School of Medicine was given one as a partner institution, for encouraging and assisting the work of University Department of Health Studies.
Individual plaques were awarded to:
- prof. Ivan Pavić Ph.D. for exceptional contribution to launching the University Department of Health Studies, as one of the University of Split’s strategic development priority goals for the period 2010-2015.
- prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., University of Split Rector, for exceptional contribution in stabilizing and developing University of Split’s Department of Health Studies; 
- prof. Jasmina Havranek Ph.D., Republic of Croatia’s Agency for Science and Higher Education’s Director, for overall contribution, particularly advising, in raising the University Department of Health Studies’ quality of work;
- prof. Mile Dželalija Ph.D., University Department of Health Studies’ First Deputy Head, during the first four years its operation, and his contribution as advisor regarding the Croatian Qualification Framework’s (CROQF) implementation;
- Marija Županović, bacc. med. techn.(viša medicinska sestra), First Deputy department Head of Nursing at MEFST Professional Health Studies, representing all nurses in the main University Department of Health Studies’ university-industry cooperation, the Clinical Hospital Center Split, responsible for organizing and implementing education
- prof. Dejan Kružić Ph.D., for overall contribution to University Department of Health Studies’ work, particularly collecting significant donations, drafting proposals for new study programs and advising as  expert in matters of economy; 
- Ivo Pervan, art photographer, for numerous photographs donated to the University Department, for its interior design, its Monograph ant the website, as well as the Croatian Journal of Health Sciences’ cover page. 

Department Expert Council’s formal session was the big event finishing the University Department of Health Studies’ Day. The celebration started on May 9 with the staff and students’ participation in the Wings for Life World race. The day after, Miroslav Radman, Member of the Academy, gave the lecture on "Biology of Health and Disease", Department's Monograph was promoted, as well as the Croatian Journal of Health Sciences’ first issue, published on occasion of this celebration.

The Day of University Department of Health Studies’ (SOZS) Doctoral Students of took place on Tuesday, May 11, when a presentation of research within students’ doctoral dissertations was held, and the formal session was preceded by promotions of graduates: Bachelors of Medical Laboratory Diagnostics, as well as Bachelors and Masters in Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy and Radiological Technology.
The celebration of the University Department of Health Studies’ first decade of work took place in compliance with epidemiological measures and recommendations, and all interested parties could follow the events online, via the Zoom platform.