Israel’s ambassador, Gary Koren, visiting the SPINIT Tech Park

On November 11, 2022, the Ambassador of the Republic of Israel, H.E. Gary Koren, visited the UNIST Technological Park in Spinut, where he met prof. Sven Gotovac Ph.D., Techn Park’s director and professor at FESB. The purpose of this visit is the continuation of extremely good cooperation and planning new projects between Republic of Israel’s start-up ecosystem, University of Split and UNIST Technological Park.

- We will offer University of Split students the opportunity to join the Neurodata program, joint research in the field of medicine and electrical engineering related to the future of medical devices that would help people with degenerative diseases. Croatia has excellent engineers, and Israeli scientists have made great progress in researching the brain and cognitive abilities - Ambassador Koren said.

Prof. Gotovac did not hide his satisfaction with this visit and the meeting’s results.

- We talked about continuing cooperation, proceeding from a visit to Israel and various conferences to Israeli scientists arriving at our conferences, student exchange, either in Erasmus or in the Ministry of Science and Education’s various bilateral programs – prof. Gotovac said, announcing long-term cooperation plans.