Before or later every student finds himself/herself in a situation where he/she needs to get some data and then process and present them; if not during studies through seminars and other works, then surely at the end of the studies when a final work, graduate work or doctoral thesis is to be written. To help students and provide them with necessary knowledge, the University of Split opens a free online course  RESEARCH EXCELLENCE created by scientists and experts from the SEA-EU alliance universities.

Students will, for the first time, have the opportunity to obtain the knowledge needed for research activities by attending an online course which will open in February 2022. Everyone can apply, regardless of the level of study or the type of faculty one is studying at. It is important to note that students do not need to listen to the entire course at once, but depending on their free time - they can join and attend module by module.

Those students who take the entire program (all six modules), will acquire a total of 3 ECTS credits. These credits could be recognized at their home university in accordance with the Regulations on the recognition of extracurricular activities at the University of Split. Alternatively, if they take less modules (which they may combine depending on their interest), students may acquire 0,5 ECTS credits per module.

Students can choose between the following modules:

1.            Planning the research in the context of the existing knowledge (leader: asst. prof. Luka Vukić, PhD)

2.            Data collection, interpretation, and presentation (leader: prof. Aleksandra Bonnici, PhD)

3.            Responsible research (leader: prof. Ana Marušić, PhD)

4.            Technology transfer (leader: prof. Leandra Vranješ Markić, PhD)

5.            Writing a research article (leader: asst. prof. Bernarda Lovrinčević, PhD)

6.            Publishing a research article (leader: assoc. prof. Željana Bašić, PhD)


Teachers of the University of Split participated in the creation of this program with other teachers from the SEA-EU universities. Assoc. prof. Željana Bašić, PhD, manager of this program, emphasizes that this course will offer students knowledge and skills necessary for research planning in the context of the existing knowledge, data collection, interpretation and presentation, responsible research, technology transfer, writing and publishing scientific articles. After completing this course students will acquire basic competences to meet main principles of research work and thus promote research excellence.

Prof. Leandra Vranješ Markić, PhD, has also stressed the importance of introducing such programs: “This course is part of activities aimed at making closer links between research and education, especially in an international and interdisciplinary environment. Some students will participate in pilot actions by doing research for their graduate work in a partner SEA-EU university or by doing summer research practice in the companies and institutions of the SEA-EU country. Their experience will contribute to building a sustainable system of support for the research activities of SEA-EU students. "

It is important to point out that the online program will be open for students on long term, but in the period from February to June 2022. they will have mentor support guaranteed.


How to apply?

Please follow the instructions:

1. Before enrolling on an online course Research excellence, please fill in the following application form:

2. Enter the following link to access the online learning platform. Translate the webpage by clicking on a flag icon on the top right and choosing the desired language.

3. Choose the account option on the right to create a new account and enter all required data.

4. Once you have completed the registration form, you will receive your account login by email. Follow the received link and it will redirect you into the online learning system.

5. Once you have been redirected to the platform you will find on the left side the icon "All courses" and then type Research excellence in the list of available courses and enter the login key re2022 to enrol.

6. On the homepage of the course Research excellence, you will find the list of all course modules along with the list of respective professors and their contact e-mails. Please, contact the professor after enrolling into a desired module.


Should you need more information, please contact SEA-EU office (