Grant agreement for the project "Reconstruction and extension of Prince Domagoj Coast in the City Port of Split, I and II”, signed at the Faculty of Maritime Studies

On eve of the feast of St. Nicholas, patron saint of sailors and seafarers, Friday, December 4, the grant agreement for the project "Reconstruction and extension of Prince Domagoj's Coast in the port of Split" was signed at the Faculty of Maritime Studies. 
Minister of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure Oleg Butković, Director of the Central Financing and Contracting Agency (SAFU) Tomislav Petric and the Director of Split Port Authority Vice Mihanović, as the project's beneficiary signed the agreement. Prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., Rector of the University of Split, Prof. Pero Vidan Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Maritime Studies, Blaženko Boban, Split-Dalmatia County Prefect, and Andro Krstulović Opara, the Mayor of Split also attended the ceremony.

Rector Ljutić welcomed the guests to the University of Split, best in the country and also the region. He also pointed out the excellent cooperation between the University, City and County, evident from several projects that benefit our country.
-Split means the waterfront, and "the most beautiful city in the world" is proud of it, as well as of all communications related to the coast. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing ships sailing in and out of the port. This project will contribute to this process continuing in the right way - Rector Ljutić said, thanking Minister Butković and Director Petric for their support.

The project is worth 42.6 million kuna (HRK) and it includes the extension and reconstruction of the Coast of Prince Domagoj in Split city port. That consists of two parts, the line that goes from the Lazarets coast to the pier of St. Peter and the one from St. Peter’s to the pier of St. Duje. Given that the current area in function, at Prince Domagoj Coast I and II, is not sufficient for safe traffic of ships and movement of passengers and vehicles, the project aims to expand the existing coast for ships and passengers, all with the aim of improving service and increasing port security.
This project is part of a large project initiated by the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure, known as the "Renaissance on the Croatian coast", in which almost a billion HRK has been invested in reconstructing smaller island and coastal ports. This is a project that has for the first time opened the possibility of financing the reconstruction and development of ports with EU funds, all with the aim of connecting islands, increasing the quality of life and retaining the population. This project is also financed from EU funds, the Cohesion Fund, providing-securing HRK 36 million, the rest of the eligible costs being financed from the Ministry's budget.