Formal promotion in the Faculty of Maritime Studies

University of Split Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, prof. Matko Erceg Ph.D., heads of university departments prof. Stipan Janković Ph.D., Health Studies, and assoc. prof. Damir Piplica Ph.D., Forensic Sciences, attended the ceremony. The Faculty of Maritime Studies’ Dean, prof. Pero Vidan Ph.D., Vice Deans assist. prof. Zdeslav Jurić Ph.D., assoc. prof. Ivan Peronja, Ph.D., prof. Gorana Jelić Mrčelić Ph.D. and head of the study of Maritime Electro technical and Information Technology assist. prof. Petar Matic Ph.D. lead the ceremony.

Congratulating graduates and their families on a great success, getting their degrees, Rector Ljutić pointed out that many of them will for sure sail the seas and have-make-build careers related to maritime affairs. He also told them that studying doesn’t stop now that they have received diplomas, and invited them to also enroll postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split.

- You will learn throughout your life, continue with your education because knowledge is power. These degrees will open many doors for you - Rector Ljutić said, pointing out that the foundation University of Split, that is the Faculty of Maritime Studies, gave them is something of great value.

In his speech, Dean Vidan pointed out that in the last year, filled with numerous challenges, it was sometimes difficult to manage the Faculty, but occasions such as this promotion give an opportunity to also see all the achievements, work and students’ success.

- These degrees are special awards for not only studying, working and researching, but also awards for courage, because you are a special generation. The generation that, together with the whole University, struggled with challenges, tried out virtual learning and virtual exams for the first time, learned from screens and computers, and not just directly from professors in classrooms. You are the generation that had to adapt to new circumstances, the generation that witnessed changes in customs. Be proud of that - said Dean Pero Vidan.

- Today we promote 178 former undergraduates and 102 former graduate students. We are proud of these numbers. We are also proud of quality of teaching on simulators, softwares and didactic equipment that even countries much richer than Croatia do not have. In the last 10 years, we have invested more than 18 million HRK in electronic equipment for science and teaching, both from our own and EU funds and projects - said Dean Vidan.

He expressed satisfaction and pride that the teachers invested enormous effort and did more than what was expected from them to maintain their teaching at an enviable level, which the students rewarded with high marks in surveys.

- Knowledge is invaluable and the best investment, it is the strength and value of your work - concluded the Dean of the Faculty of Maritime Studies and as the rector invited the promoters to continue their education.