The 61st anniversary of founding the Faculty of Chemical Technology in Split (KTF) was marked on October 22 in the Three Faculties Building’s large amphitheater.

Prof. Tomislav Kilić Ph.D. greeted those present on behalf of the rector prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D., saying that numerous generations of students and teachers dedicated a part of their work and life into achieving that KTF becomes a serious and respectable institution, both in terms of teaching and scientific and professional work.

Referring to the work report in the last academic year, prof. Matko Erceg Ph.D., KTF’s dean, emphasized that in the project, scientific research and laboratory equipment worth HRK 6.7 million were procured, and works on improving energy efficiency of the building were completed. Also, reaccreditation process was successfully completed and three international congresses were organized with around 350 participants, which significantly improved the Faculty’s and University of Split’s visibility - said Dean Erceg, expressing satisfaction with the last academic year’s achievements.

The gala celebration was an opportunity to present awards and recognitions.

RECOGNITIONS were awarded to members of the Commission for the preparation of the “Faculty of Chemical Technology in Split’s Self-Assessment":

Internal quality assurance and social role of higher education institution, to: prof. Nataša Stipanelov Vrandečić Ph.D., assist. prof. Marin Ugrina, Ph.D. Nediljka Vukojević Medvidović Ph.D., assoc. prof. Ani Radonić Ph.D.

Study programs, to: prof. Vesna Sokol, Ph.D., Branka Andričić Ph.D., prof. Sandra Svilović Ph.D., assist. prof. Lea Kukoč Modun Ph.D., assist. prof. Danijela Skroza Ph.D., assist. prof. Zvonimir Marijanović Ph.D.

Teaching process and student support, to: assoc. prof. Ante Prkić Ph.D., assist. prof. Mario Nikola Mužek Ph.D., Verica Vučičić, B.Sc. eng., Marijana Jurić, B.Sc. iur., Antonija Zorić

Teaching and institutional capacities: prof. Ladislav Vrsalović Ph.D., assist. prof. Nives Vladislavić Ph.D., Snježana Dešković, Antonia Plazonić Parađina, B.Sc. iur., Josip Belas, mag. iur.

Scientific activity, to: prof. Dražan Jozić Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Ivica Blažević Ph.D., assist. prof. Sanja Tipurić Spužević Ph.D., Maja Donkov, M.Sc. bibl.

Commission advisors: prof. Igor Jerković Commission, prof. Nenad Kuzmanić Commission, prof. Zoran Grubac Ph.D., prof. Mladen Miloš Ph.D., prof. Tea Bilušić Ph.D., Vesna Drašković, B.Sc. iur

RECOGNITION for outstanding contribution in developing the Faculty of Chemical Technology in Split’s quality improvement system went to prof. Natasš Stipanelov Vrandečić Ph.D.

RECOGNITION for outstanding contribution in setting up and managing a joint study in English, between the faculties of Chemical Engineering and Technology in Zagreb and Chemical Technology in Split, entitled CHEMICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY was given to: prof. Branka Andričić Ph.D., prof. Slobodan Brinić Ph.D., prof. Dražan Jozić Ph.D., assist. prof. Ivona Nuić Ph.D.

DEAN'S AWARD was presented to students in final years of study, one to each student with the highest grade point average in their university study program, to:

Katarina Usanović, undergraduate student of Chemistry

Dražen Čalić, undergraduate student of Chemical Technology

Ivana Dželalija, undergraduate student of Food Technology

Mia Ramljak, graduate student of Chemical Technology

Ana Vučak, graduate students of Chemistry

Josipi Bumbak, graduate students of Food Technology

As a sign of recognition for many years of work at the Faculty, letters of thanks on the occasion of retirement were presented to Smiljana Kapov and Jadranka Vučak, prof.

On this day, prof. Peter Krolo Ph.D., deceased retired professor was honored with a minute of silence