Exhibition “The Longest Journey. First voyage around the world”, organized by the Embassy of Spain, the Spanish Cultural Action, together with Kingdom of Spain’s Ministry of Culture and Sports and the University of Split was opened on Thursday, November 4 at 12 o'clock in the University Library’s atrium.

15 panels present a journey that humanity dreamt for a long time and began 500 years ago in Seville. Ferdinand Magellan started the journey in 1519, and Juan Sebastián Elcano and the crew of the ship Victoria completed it three years later, in 1522, making it the longest voyage of the time and the first sailing around the world.

Of the 5 ships that sailed from Seville on August 10, 1519, only one returned - the Nao Victoria. Of 245 crewmembers who sailed on them, only 18 returned, which illustrates how difficult the voyage was. This heroic feat also proved that the country is round, that its diameter is much larger than previously thought, and that the Pacific, previously unknown to Europeans, stretches between the American continent and the Indian Ocean.

Curators of the exhibition: Antonio Fernández Torres, Guillermo Morán Dauchez (Archivo General de Indias), Braulio Vázquez Campos (Archivo General de Indias)

The exhibition will stay here until November 26 and can be seen during working hours, Monday to Friday from 8 am to 9 pm and Saturdays 9 am to 2 pm.

Note: admission is free, but controlled adhering to epidemiological measures proscribed by Croatian health authorities.