Croatian Language and Culture Course in the academic year 2020/2021 – Summer semester applications

The Center for Croatian Studies Abroad is now receiving applications for the summer semester of the Croatian Language and Culture Course in the academic year of 2020/2021. The summer semester starts March 1  and runs until June 11, which is the total of 15 weeks of classes. Applicants need to send the following:

1. Completed and signed application form

2. Copy of the passport or other personal identification document.

3. Copy of the payment transaction (only the category of applicants subject to payment*)


Erasmus students are not subject to payment. They can enroll in the course for free – enrollment in this course is voluntary for all incoming Erasmus students at the University of Split in the academic year 2020/2021.

Students arriving through other types of mobility schemes (such as CEEPUS etc.) have to pay a special rate of 600,00 Croatian kuna per semester.

All other applicants are subject to the semester course tuition fee of 2.300,00 Croatian kuna per semester.

The registration documents need to be sent to the programme coordinator ms. Jelena Rogošić ( by February 22.

The course Plan and programme, application form and information about the payment are found in the following attachments:


