Cooperation Agreement between the University of Split and the Sailing Club "Labud"

On Monday, February 22, University of Split’s Rector, prof. Dragan Ljutić Ph.D. and ‘Labud’’s president, Žarko Dešković, signed a Cooperation Agreement between the University and the sailing club.

The agreement formalizes current cooperation between the two institutions and creates a basis for future ones. This cooperation started in the beginning of this year, with the admission of Academic Sailing Club ‘Universitas’ to ‘Labud’s membership. Rector Ljutić and the club’s President Dešković expressed their desire to continue working together in accordance with their strategic commitments, which this Agreement makes possible.
Rector Ljutić emphasized the maritime orientation of our University and the role it has in the European University of the Sea Alliance, so in this context the

Agreement with ‘Labud’, that is the work of ‘Universitas’ led by associate professor Luka Pezelja Ph.D. from the Faculty of Maritime Studies, is extremely important for our students.
It also creates a framework for cooperation in the field of organizing sports events, providing mutual support for the implementation of joint projects, especially those addressing maritime and sports issues. The goal of both University and ‘Labud’ will certainly be the promotion of university sports and with this Agreement ‘Labud’ becomes one of our university-business cooperations.