Celebrating the European Maritime Day at the University of Split

University of Split’s SEA-EU project office, in cooperation with the Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split, is organizing celebration of the European Maritime Day (EMD) on Friday, May 28.

The event called "Exploring the role of education on the sea, maritime affairs and connection with industry and society" begins at 11 am with a series of lectures that will present modern initiatives in the maritime sector, both by teachers and researchers, as well as students. The discussion on "Skills for the new age", attended by employers from the area will follow at 12.
The event can be accessed at https://meet.google.com/biq-ufyd-bby

You can read the detailed program HERE.

European Maritime Day is an initiative launched by the European Commission, taking place for the fourth year in a row. The main event is a conference held this year in the city of Den Helder, Holland (May 20-21), and many cities across Europe will mark EMD from April to October, with a range of activities, including panel discussions, workshops, conferences, exhibitions, publications, etc.

You can check which cities are participating in the celebration on this map: https://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/my-country_en