Call to young researchers; postdoc at University of Brest

The Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship programme (MSCA-PF) is a highly renowned European funding scheme. It offers talented scientists the unique chance to set up 2-year research projects on their own with the support of a supervising team. Besides providing an attractive grant including mobility, family and research allowances, it represents a major opportunity to boost the career of promising researchers.

In its strategy of internationalisation and research excellence, the Brittany region is trying to increase its number of hosted Marie Curie fellows. In that sense, we have pre-identified some motivated supervisors (in all disciplines at the regional scale), with 3 topics in UBO. You can have access to individual topic description with the link below (or to the main webpage here with 20 topics at regional scale):

  •  MOATI : Physical oceanography LOPS, Xavier CARTON
  •  TIDILO : Coastal dynamics, Géo-Océan, France FLOC'H
  •  Cystic Fibrosis: Gene therapy, GGFB,Tristant MONTIER

This initiative aims to increase chances of success for motivated fellows by offering dedicated support from both our scientific and technical staff to develop competitive and excellent research projects. The deadline for interested fellows to express interest is the 1st of May, for them then to build their proposal for the European deadline in mid-September.

Application procedures and details are available on the dedicated UBO page.

If you have questions regarding the present initiative and the calls for expression of interest, please feel free to contact EU project officer at UBO (